Puma & Bear, London

Portrait of Obi


The painting is of a ginger tom cat named Obi Wan. He was painted by Kristen French who had this to say about her subject: 

'I conducted a photo shoot with Obi, so got to know him a little and he was a joy to encounter. He took all of the great qualities of cats and amplified them. He was incredibly independent, self-assured bordering on cocky and commanded the space when he walked in. He was also inquisitive, liked a good cuddle and sociable. When selecting the best photo from the shoot to use for the portrait, I had to laugh as the photo the client selected epitomized that self-assured streak - a lion in a cat's body. '

If you are interested in learning more about Kristen French and her work, or are interested in a commission, please see her website:

Kristen French Portraits

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