Puma & Bear, London

Portrait of Lily


The painting is of a cocker springer spaniel named Lilly. She was painted by Kristen French who had this to say about her subject: 

'Lilly was one of the most energetic, exuberant spaniels I had ever met (in a breed that is already energetic and exuberant). She was a bundle of ceaseless, frenetic activity. But when speaking to the client, I realised that she saw Lilly in a completely different light. She saw Lilly as quite regal, almost majestic. I wanted to capture that perception of Lilly for the client and so selected the photo that had that noble 3/4 view and dramatic lighting.'

If you are interested in learning more about Kristen French and her work, or are interested in a commission, please see her website:

Kristen French Portraits

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