Let's Get Rid of the Categories!

One of the main themes that underpin all of the items you will find on this site is extraordinary craftsmanship. I believe that craftsmanship is timeless and so it does not matter when a piece was made. Today we categorise pieces by its age - Modern, Victorian, Regency and by its function - Chair, Table, Tea Caddy. But this approach segregates these wonderful pieces in ways. Instead, I believe we should categorise pieces but by their level of quality and by their esthetic. (Now I realise this is subjective, and therefor coming up with a definitive definition of these terms by which all things could be evaluated equally, but go with me on this for a bit.

By labeling pieces by age, so much of baggage comes with those labels. Some generations look at pieces labeled 'antique' and immediately discount them, and then miss experiencing what makes them extraordinary.

With this site, I would like to provide this alternative view on the works of extraordinary craftsmanship and by grouping old with new, by grouping tables with tea caddies.